Asphalt Trail on Old Courthouse Road between Waverly Park and Burlwood Court.

890 foot asphalt trail on alternate sides of Old Courthouse Road.

Provides connectivity - High

The trail in Waverly Park ends on Old Courthouse Road with no safe route for pedestrians. This trail would provide a route between parks and allow access to the park by nearby residents. It also provides safe connections to Vienna shopping via Foxstone Park and to Wolf Trap Farm Park. This proposal connects Waverly Park with Burlwood Ct.

Improves Safety - High

Old Courthouse Road in this section offers no place for pedestrians to move off the road for oncoming vehicles.

Provides Access - High

Provides access to Vienna shopping and Wolf Trap Farm Park.

Provides Recreational Opportunities - High

Connects multiple parks via Old Courthouse Road 3 proposal..

Supported by Community - High

Part of the NOVI trail network requested by the community.

Is It Feasible to Build - Medium

Wolf Trap Creek must be crossed on a bridge or culvert. Old Courthouse Road presently crosses Wolf Trap Creek using a single culvert with flooding passing over the road. The same could be done with the proposed trail. There may be a need for retaining walls where there are steep grades next to the road.

Countywide Trails Plan


Property Map 28-4